Our painters arrive on site around 9.30 in the morning. Depending on the property being worked on, a small tower will normally be erected and the surrounding areas protected from splashes and spray. Our painters do not require access to the inside of your home when we are painting exterior walls, unless previously requested.


Buildings require large amounts of paints and related products, these are supplied direct to us from our suppliers and delivered with our staff, empty paint containers will be left in your green or black bins, depending on your local council area.

Please assist us by preparing your surrounding areas. Please remove all objects against walls, garden furniture or storage units, ideally 1.5 meter clearance is desirable, if possible.


If you have a drive way or vehicles parked beside your home, please move these into the street or away from the property and also advise your neighbors,this will reduce the likely hood  of any damage to cars or surrounding property as wind can carry the paint spray. We supply protective coverings at no cost, and these are available to all that require them.